
Fee Schedule

An easy-to-understand, ALL-INCLUSIVE school fee structure

We have structured our school fees as all-inclusive for simplicity and your peace of mind.

An all-inclusive fee cost is not commonly offered by local private schools but we feel it is important you know that at 91制片厂Pro you will not be billed for extra levies, school excursions, or school-delivered extra-curricular costs throughout the year. We believe you should know the complete investment of your child's education upfront.

You will NOT be billed extra for:

  • Textbooks and workbooks
  • Subject levies and practical materials
  • School-endorsed online subscriptions
  • Compulsory camps and excursions
  • School excursion transport
  • Swimming lessons
  • Sport affiliation fees
  • School Yearbook
  • Arts council performances

There are some additional costs associated with your child's education that fall outside of the fee items outlined above.

  • School uniforms
  • Stationery pack (provided by the school at our discounted cost)
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program
  • QCAA fees (Year 11 and 12 students only)
  • Special, voluntary activities, courses, and/or excursions
To view our comprehensive current School Fees document
For domestic enrolments and Australian citizens

To obtain future-year cost estimates, see our Fee Calculator below. Please note: Fee estimates via the Fee Calculator are for domestic enrolments only, students who are Australian citizens. For international student enrolment fees and Kindergarten, see the information under the International Fees and Kindergarten tabs above.

Our International tuition and non-tuition fees are an all-inclusive fee. We feel it is important you know that at 91制片厂Pro you will not be billed for extra levies, school excursions or school delivered extra-curricular costs throughout the year.
We believe you should know the complete investment of your child's education upfront.

To view a comprehensive list of International School Fees please
Additional Fees - Day and Boarding Students

The following additional fees are not covered in the tuition fees and are the responsibility of the parent and/or care provider. The majority of these additional non-tuition fees are compulsory requirements.

Please note: The costs noted below were sourced in January 2021 and are approximate costs only, provided as a guide. We recommend you check with the supplier for more accurate cost information.

ItemAdditional Information
School uniformsApproximate cost is AUD$450 - AUD$650. Uniform requirements can be view on our website.
Book and stationery packApproximate cost is AUD$125 - AUD$180 per year. The cost varies according to the year level and the subjects being studied. Stationery lists are emailed out at the beginning of each year.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programStudents in Years 7 through to Year 12 are required to bring their own device to school. Refer to the ICT Information Booklet for more information.
Student Overseas Health Cover (OSHC)It is an Australian Government requirement that all students studying on a Student Visa are covered by OSHC. Day students are required to organise their own OSHC.
Boarding students may organise their own OSHC and provide details to us of their own private health cover, OR we can organise OSHC on your behalf through BUPA. Approximate cost is AUD$500 - AUD$600 per year.
QCAA fees (Year 11 and 12 students only)This is a mandatory government fee for the Senior External Examination which may contribute to the awarding of a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and contribute to a student's Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) calculations. Approximate cost is AUD$780.
Special activities, courses and excursionsOther charges may apply throughout the year for these areas, although the school endeavors to keep these charges to a minimum.
Bus transport to and from school (day students only)Bus transport for day students who elect to use the school's bus service for transport to and from school will be charged AUD$1,460 per year, per child OR AUD$2,240 per family, per year.

Additional Fees - Boarding Students Only

The following additional fees are not covered in the tuition fees and are the responsibility of the parent and/or care provider.

ItemAdditional Information
Medical expensesYour OSHC may not cover the full cost of doctor or specialist visits and does not cover medications or pharmaceutical costs. Minor medication expenses will be added to your school account as required. However, you must pay major medical expenses directly to the health provider.
Personal belongingsYou are requested to purchase all the personal belongings required for boarding as outlined in the Boarding Information Handbook.
Vacation transportationThe school has a designated drop-off time to the International Airport at the end of each term. Outside of this you are responsible for your child's transportation at the beginning and at the end of each term (including transportation to and from the school).
Pocket money of AUD$30 per week is recommendedYou are responsible for ensuring your child has enough pocket money for the term. We recommend opening an Australian bank account and providing your child with a debit card to cover extra expenses for personal items and activities.
PLEASE NOTE: The Fee Calculator tool at the bottom of this page is for cost estimates for domestic enrolments only, students who are Australian citizens.

PLEASE NOTE: The Fee Calculator tool at the bottom of this page is for cost estimates for College student enrolment, students who are Australian citizens.

**Please note, for Fee CalculatorTo obtain future-year cost estimates, the Fee Calculator above provides estimates for domestic enrolments only, students who are Australian citizens. For international student enrolment fees and Kindergarten, see the information under the International Fees and Kindergarten tabs at the top of this page.

We invite you to experience the PLC difference for yourself.

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