
Clubs & Community Groups

Community Service Groups

We have an active community service program with a number of initiatives available for students who would like to be involved in service to others, including:

  1. Buddy Program: Our Buddy Program helps to build relationships between the students of 91制片厂Pro and offers an opportunity for students in Years 7 - 12 to engage in service activities with our younger kindergarten and primary students. This provides an opportunity for our older students to be actively involved and strive to make the world of their buddy a better place, providing a positive and excellent role model for them, and engaging in reflective learning associated with their buddy classroom visits.
  2. Environment Group: This is a motivated, energetic group of students who plan and coordinate the school's initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint. From managing the school's recycling program to establishing butterfly gardens and planting trees, this group of students is always excitedly planning for improvement.
  3. Rosies Friends on the Street: Once per month on a Friday evening our senior secondary students participate in this outreach program, serving the needs of those less fortunate in our local community.
  4. Service Group: Secondary students are invited to participate in a variety of service activities in response to needs within the school and our wider community.

Opportunities to be involved in our many music programs are available before and after school as well as during lunch breaks. Students involved in these groups have the opportunity to participate in performances at school with chapel and assemblies, as well as at community events such as MADD (Music, Art, Dance & Drama) nights and Eisteddfods.

  1. Concert Band - Practices before school once per week.
  2. Jazz Band - Practices after school once per week.
  3. Peace Pipes is our Junior Choir. Students from Years 2 to 5 are invited to audition.
  4. PUGS (Peace Ukelele & Guitar Society) - This lunchtime club brings students together who are interested in learning or who currently play either of these instruments.
Recess Activities

In response to the school's policy of 'no mobile phones' during school hours, the student leadership run a weekly calendar of activities during the second lunch break. Regular weekly activities include:

  • Board games
  • Code Club
  • Chess
  • Drawing
  • Friday Trivia
  • Table Tennis
School Magazine - 'The Squawk'

Our student-driven 'zine', The Squawk, is published and distributed each school term. This in-house quarterly school magazine provides students with opportunities to:

  • Submit written or artistic work for inclusion; and/or
  • Participate in editing, publishing and distribution.

We offer several after-school tutoring opportunities including:

  1. Tutoring for Secondary students run by our College Captains, providing assistance with all subject areas.
  2. Senior Biology & Chemistry
  3. Senior Mathematics - Maths Methods (Year 11 students) and General Maths (Year 12 students)
CEVA Visual Art Club

CEVA (Creating Extraordinary Visual Artists) is a club is for students of excellence in the area of visual art. This is run as a lunchtime program for students in Years 9 - 12 who wish to further their skills and talents in this area.

We invite you to experience the PLC difference for yourself.

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